Just wanted to give you some credit to the amount of responses you're giving to all your reviewers, that's some decent dedication. Keep your spirits up, and don't let some of these reviewers get you down.
I've noticed people have been giving you a lot more comments about the gameplay than other Flash games - maybe they're being critical because you don't often see games of this calibre in Flash format.
Even though I've stopped going for the "The Daddy" medal, I'm still loving the Spawn levels. I'm not one for shooters, but I do enjoy the pace, the story and the atmosphere of this game. I had to complete it again on Kong so I could get reacquianted with the Owlmen story (plus earn some medals and complete the storyline mode once again).
Loving the game, looking forward to the additions in the sequel, and when the NG calendar comes round again I'm probably going to enter with some fan-art of this game.