
Not Josh @TurkeyOnAStick


High School


Joined on 8/8/05

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Street Fighter Flash

Posted by TurkeyOnAStick - January 11th, 2009

EDIT: Ain't happening :( Looks like I've left it far too late to finish what I've started.

EDIT 2: Fuck it, I'll start something I've always fancied doing with a Mr Oizo remix.


I'll sort the voices so don't worry ;)
I'm gonna ask Ellie to do the Chun-Li
Hell yehz

I'm SOOO expecting that.
Seeing that you seem to be doing a lot of animals lately...
...will it feature Blanka?

Oh yes

sweet! Not being keen on SF I didn't give much attention to this project -altho all those fancy banners on frontpage XD- I think I gotta start with smaller flash collabs anyway -LazyFeet's b day collab was a start :P-

less than three

Don't get you

You suck and you're obsessed with editing your posts. Your cheating on you're own impulse answers and comments.


you suck

Thanks for the comment, man. Really appreciated.

Dear Turkeyonastick,

I've been watching you from afar for a while now. Looking at all your artwork and being very disappointed. You fucking suck. If you had babies, I'd rape them.
(and make a damn flash movie already)

Yours faithfully

What you need is inspiration

<a href="http://jakbaronking.newgrounds.com/news/post/285584">http://jakbaronking.newgrounds.com/ne ws/post/285584</a>

I'll do voices for Chun-Li, Scorpion and Poison Ivy. You can do the voice for Hump-man, critter.

Ain't doing it now, dead-line's long gone.

hey, Screw SF collab, this site has too much Nintendo and Capcom anyway. Do something related with.... COMMODORE 64!! :P:P:P:P

I have an association with Amigas at best, and that's all bloody obscure games that nobody's heard about.

holy bicycle, dude! Amiga had Flashback, one of the best geims evur!!

Sweet job winning the munny competition man, post a pic of that blank one yah won when you do it, psyched to see that all done and up :D

Think I'll prob make a thread dedicated to that beast!

Actually, I'm planning on skinning one of Castle Crasher Dolls too and painting that up woody.
Plus I've got my GF's munny that I bought her for Christmas to get painted.
And then I want to paint up a teddy troop like a brain map ...

Damn you Luis, damn you.

Only just bought the Sketchbook Tour '08 shirt too :)

Haha nice, the first time you wear it its the most comfortable, so taaakeee it alllll in C:

I am the alt of SirNightOwl, Havayosunu and you!

I have diarhea

I am the alt of test-object, Havayosunu and you!

I will get the pencil work for the NG castle done.

"No more comments about me; keep it about the entries."

I cannot believe you told me off.
You'll pay for this outrage.

[editted with a less ass response]
Stop including me in the posts you type >(

But...but... I wuv you.

would you like a slice of delicious cake?

Only if you wouldn't mind a cup of tea to go with it.

Be a man. Drink coffee and not tea.

I got a coffee maker for Christmas.
I fucking love coffee.
I refuse to buy instant coffee.
So I make quick and easy tea.
With some lovely ginger cake.
Eaten off of a dirty plate so I don't have to clean it.